South Africa Profile

The history of South Africa, with its population of 59.89 million (2022), has been well documented elsewhere, especially the country's long walk to freedom from its oppressive apartheid regime. After the ANC's success in the country's first non-racial elections in 1994, installing Nelson Mandela as President, the country has become a much more liberal society. However the years of oppression have left a legacy of cultural violence, lack of education for a generation, and widespread poverty, particularly outside the major conurbations. Today South Africa is in 110th place out of 191 countries and territories in 2021 when ranked in terms of life expectancy, literacy, access to knowledge and the living standards of a country. This is significantly above the standing of other countries in sub-Saharan Africa.

It also places it within the high human development category signifying progress over the past few years from the position of 121 ten years ago. Despite this, South Africa is one of the most unequal societies in the world with more than 50% of its population living in poverty and 18.9% in extreme poverty, nearly one in five. Infant mortality rates are running at 27.5 for every 1000 births (compared to 3.4% in the EU for the same period,) with most of thse dying mostly from preventable and treatable causes. UNICEF found that 11.4% of deaths of South African children under five can be attributed to low weight, making low birth weight the second most prominent cause of children's death in the country. South Africa also still has the biggest HIV epidemic in the world, with 7.7 million people (20.4%) living with the condition and it is estimated 1.7 million children have lost a parent to AIDS and overall roughly 14 percent of all children in South Africa are orphans. Cont/...

South Africa Profile

South Africa Profile

South Africa Profile

South Africa Profile

South Africa Profile


South Africa History

South Africa History

Facts, profile and the timeline of South Africa history from ancient to colonial times.
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Zulu Children

Zulu Child

About daily life for a Zulu child in South Africa in information, facts and video together with details of support projects.
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South Africa Crime

South Africa Crime

Facts and figures and a profile of the latest South African statistics where crime is widespread.
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Volunteer Work

Volunteer Work South Africa

Check out all the latest volunteer work placements and opportunities in South Africa.
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South Africa Profile
South Africa Profile




Recent reports indicate five million people in South Africa, mainly in rural areas, lack access to safe water being forced to rely on unsafe streams to drink from, 1.5 million children have no access to proper sanitation and 1.7 million of them live in shacks, with no proper bedding, cooking or washing facilities. Despite this, South Africa is an emerging market with an abundant supply of metals and minerals including gold, diamonds and platinum, however an outdated infrastructure and high rates of unemployment have as yet to realise the country's full economic potential. Volunteer Work in South Africa focuses on the provision of education (not least the health effects of Aids), clean water projects, immunisation and health programs. Our South Africa country profile pages explore many of these issues from the history of South Africa, its apartheid period to facts about life in South Africa today.


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