Find out all about Africa with our 'about Africa' profile pages, everything you need to know to enhance your volunteer work experience from information and videos about the great lakes of the Rift valley, to the major deserts, the Congo Rainforest, the Maghreb, together with live images about Africa with our extensive African webcams collection, and of course, and extensive history of Africa together with photographs and maps of the African continent.
On this page we provide some data and information about Africa. The graph right shows the average rainfall across Africa. As can be quickly evidenced, the north of Africa and in particular the Sahara Desert region sees minimum annual rainfall together with the Horn of Africa and the desert areas of south-west Africa. This reflects the temperature of Africa chart (left).
Below is a world map of human development, and, as can be easily seen, the majority of Africa, apart from a few countries in the south and north, all represent low human development when ranked in terms of life expectancy, literacy, access to knowledge and the living standards of a country.
Why not kick off your tour of our 'about Africa' pages by checking out the video above, introducing some of the most prominent features in and about Africa then explore some of the pages below to find out more about Africa.
We've three pages of articles so you can find out all about Africa!