Djibouti Profile

With a population of 988,002 (2020), Djibouti differs in many ways from other African nations. It has had contact with the Arabian peninsula for more than a thousand years and even one of its national languages is Arabic. Djibouti was ruled in the nineteenth century by a Sultan, but by 1862 the French had started purchasing land there and eventually expanded the area into a colony known as French Somalialand, broadly reflecting Djibouti's current boundaries.

The colony gained its independence from France in 1977, and was renamed the Republic of Djibouti, however was essentially two countries in one representing the Afars and the Issas. Djibouti itself is a predominately Muslim country with each and every town and village having its own Mosque.

Following independence, the country's first president Hassan Gouled Aptiodon, installed a Issas led one-party state and he continued to rule until his retirement in 1999 when his nephew, Ismail Omar Guelleh, assumed office.

Afar unrest was prevalent during the 1990s and has been described as civil war, however a peace treaty was signed in 2000 and since then there have been multi-party elections, even if the incumbent president, Aptiodon's nephew Ismail Omar Guelleh, was re-elected for his fifth five-year term in 2021 with 97.30% of the vote!

Despite its location next to the sea, Djibouti is little visited by tourists, except for the French with their colonial ties, however it is used a military base for eight overseas nations, bringing important revenue into the country, where unemployment is estimated to be between 40-50%. For example, the Chinese People's Liberation Army Support Base has recently been completed in Djibouti having been built at a cost of US$590 million.

Such external revenue is required as Djibouti has few natural resources and insufficient rainfall and arable land (most of the country is a stony desert) to feed itself, having to import most foodstuffs, with the country coming in at 171st place out of 191 countries and territories in 2021 when ranked in terms of life expectancy, literacy, access to knowledge and the living standards of a country. Djibouti has a low life expectancy of 62.30 years (2021).


Djibouti Profile

Djibouti Profile

Djibouti Profile

Djibouti Profile


Djibouti History

Djibouti History

The history about Djibouti from ancient times to independence in 1977 in facts, video and pictures.
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Life in Djibouti

Life in Djibouti

Facts and figures about daily life in Djibouti, one of the smallest countries in Africa and a partner of the West.
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African Volunteer Work: Djibouti

Check out all the latest fee paying and free volunteer work placements with local projects in Djibouti.
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Complete Djibouti Profile

Djibouti Profile




Bases are built there mainly because of Djibouti's strategic location not least its control, with Yemen, of the Strait of Bab-el-Mandab (also known as the Gate of Grief or the Gate of Tears). With over 20,000 vessels passing through the strait annually, the average annual cargo volume transported through the Bab el-Mandeb Strait was nearly 1.6 billion tons from 2020-2023, making it one of the most crucial shipping pathways and maritime choke points in the world. For more about Djibouti, check out our country profile pages below including our Djibouti profile news which is updated daily.


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