Eswatini Profile

Eswatini is a small kingdom, formerly known as Swaziland until 2018, ~ and the world's last absolute monarchy ~ surrounded by South Africa to the north, west and south and Mozambique to the east with a population of 1.202 million (2022) and is ranked in 142nd place out of 191 countries and territories in 2021 based upon the life expectancy, literacy, access to knowledge and living standards of a country. It gained its independence in 1968 from the United Kingdom and while levels of poverty and living standards in Eswatini are above other sub-Saharan countries, that fact belies a terrible truth ~ that Eswatini dying. Literally. And it's because of HIV/AIDS which is rampant in the country infecting half of the young population and reaching 50% for the 20-30yr age group ~ those of child bearing age.

In fact as a result of AIDS the country's population is dropping by 2% every year and is likely to reach a critical point within the next generation when it ceases to be viable as a state with insufficient doctors, medical staff, teachers etc to run it and meet its needs.

Eswatini is ruled by King Mswati III, the world's last absolute monarch, who has ruled by decree since 1986 and who has continued to ban political parties after his father, King Sobhuza, dissolved the constitution in 1973, however there is growing unrest and demand for political reform, frequently stalled by the ruling elite. Recently the king's appointed prime minister Prime Minister, Barnabas Sibusiso Dlamini, has said that the government will consider using 'sipakatane' to "punish dissidents and foreigners who come to the country and disturb the peace" (this being a form of torture where the feet are repeatedly hit with nail embedded rods.) Cont/...

Complete Eswatini Profile

Eswatini Profile

Eswatini Profile

Eswatini Profile

Eswatini Profile


Eswatini History

Eswatini History

A brief history of the Kingdom of Eswatini that can be traced back more than 200,000 years.
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Mbabane Profile

Mbabane Profile

A complete profile of Mbabane, the capital of Eswatini in facts, images and video.
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Volunteer Work

Volunteer Work Eswatini

Check out all the latest fee paying and free African volunteer work placements in Eswatini.
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Eswatini Profile

Eswatini Profile




With a life expectancy of 57.07 years (2021), there are an estimated 100,000 orphans in the country (10% of its overall population) and this is likely to increase given the levels of HIV/AIDS. These children are the ones most likely to drop out of school, be trafficked and suffer even more than others from poverty and malnutrition ~ which already affects 40% of children in Eswatini.

Education for children in Eswatini however fares somewhat better, although it is not compulsory, nor free except for orphans and certain other disadvantaged children. Enrolment is high and over 80% of the population is literate. Unfortunately child trafficking is widespread with children trafficked internally and to other countries. For girls this mainly includes domestic servitude and sexual exploitation whilst for boys the trafficking is normally for forced labour and begging or selling in markets.

Despite its small size, Eswatini has eighteen airports, over 2000 miles of highways but just 187 miles of railway. With both English and siSwati as its official languages, its population is 97% African and 3% European with 40% being Zionist, 20% Roman Catholic and just 10% Muslim with other religions such as Methodists, Anglicans, Mormons and Jews comprising the remaining 30%. Find out more about Eswatini in the profile articles above exploring the kingdom in more detail with pictures, facts and videos.


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