Volunteer Work Zimbabwe

Okay, let's be completely honest here, Zimbabwe isn't exactly a destination of choice for those looking for African volunteer work, nor is it a country that welcomes the outside volunteer sector with open arms ~ arms actually attached to a body that is. Shunned by the international community, Zimbabwe is in 146th place out of 191 countries and territories in 2021 when ranked in terms of life expectancy, literacy, access to knowledge and the living standards of a country with a life expectancy of 61.20 years (2018). Not that Zimbabwe would admit that it has any problems, at least none of its own making. The fact that it was once known as the bread basket of Africa with the most fertile land on the continent exporting wheat, tobacco and corn to the rest of the world is long forgotten.

Today it is better known for having the highest proportion of AIDS orphans than any other country on the planet (overall one in five children in Zimbabwe is an orphan) together with the highest child mortality rate. Unemployment effects four out of every five adults and most of the population often go days without eating. It's a sign of a country when a young boy simply holds up a placard with the following words scrawled on it: "Please help us. With anything." It is possible that after Mugabe's demise the country may reconcile with its neighbours and the rest of the world however, until that time, maybe best ~ unless you have existing family and/or friends in Zimbabwe ~ to plan your volunteer work experience elsewhere.

Please note that many volunteer opportunities in Zimbabwe were disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic which led to the permanent closure of some volunteer opportunities and restrictions on others. Hopefully things are now beginning to return to normal. If you run or know of a volunteer work project in Zimbabwe let us know by contacting us here. We look forward to hearing from you!

Volunteer Work Zimbabwe

Volunteer Zimbabwe

Volunteer Zimbabwe

Volunteer Zimbabwe

Volunteer Zimbabwe


Red Cross

Volunteer Work Zimbabwe: Red Cross

The Red Cross work includes health, HIV/AIDS, water & sanitation and food security & livelihoods.
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Education Trust

Volunteer Work Zimbabwe: Education Trust

Volunteer work supporting Zimbabwe communities to keep children in school and out of poverty.
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Hands at Work

Volunteer Work Zimbabwe: Hands at Work

Church based volunteer work reaching out to the dying, orphans and widows in Zimbabwe.
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Volunteer Zimbabwe

Volunteer Work Zimbabwe

If you are considering undertaking a period of voluntary work in Zimbabwe check out our profiles pages to explore the country before you visit and learn how to make the most of your volunteer work there.

Zimbabwe Profile