Volunteer Work Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone gained its independence from The United Kingdom in 1961 and appeared to handle the transition well while other newly independent states broke down into tribal warfare. However by 1991 a civil war broke out that proved to be one of the cruellest and most destructive in human history, at least in the last century. Out of a population of just six million, by the end of hostilities 50,000 were left dead, many more wounded, disabled and/or orphaned and two million displaced. Although the war has been finished for over a decade its impact still deeply affects a scarred society in Sierra Leone leaving it in 181st place out of 191 countries and territories in 2021 when ranked in terms of life expectancy, literacy, access to knowledge and the living standards of a country.

Worse than the poverty, worse than the destruction of most of the country's infrastructure, was and is the psychological damage to all the children who were killed or forced to take up arms as child soldiers and murder those within their own communities leaving a legacy of hopelessness and abandonment at the end of the war.

These children had no where to go and no-one would welcome them. Volunteer work opportunities in Sierra Leone consequently focus on rebuilding works ~ schools, hospitals and orphanages ~ as well as health care and rolling out HIV awareness and prevention campaigns. There is also the opportunity to work with former child soldiers, sometimes just listening.

Many volunteer opportunities in Sierra Leone were disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic which led to the permanent closure of some volunteer opportunities and restrictions on others. If you run or know of a volunteer work project in Sierra Leone let us know by contacting us here. We look forward to hearing from you!

Volunteer Work Sierra Leone

Volunteer Sierra Leone

Volunteer Sierra Leone

Volunteer Sierra Leone

Volunteer Sierra Leone


We Yone Child

Volunteer Work Sierre Leone: We Yone Child Foundation

Volunteer work in Sierra Leone improving the lives of vulnerable children and their families through education.
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Children School

Volunteer Work Sierre Leone: The Empowering Children School Sierra Leone

This project connects with people who have the initiative, strength, and desire to make a difference.
Visit >


Project Hope

Volunteer Work Mozambique: African Impact

Training for health workers and equipping medical facilities to save the lives of mothers and newborns.
Visit >


Volunteer Sierra Leone: This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license

Volunteer Work Sierra Leone

If you are considering volunteer work in Sierra Leone check out our Sierra Leone profile pages to explore the country before you visit and learn how to make the most of your volunteer work there.

Sierra Leone Profile  

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