Volunteer Work Congo Kinshasa

The Democratic Republic of Congo, often referred to as Congo Kinshasa after its capital, has effectively been a war zone since its independence from Belgium in 1960 and in the decades that preceded its independence, this vast and resource rich nation, the second-largest country in Africa by land area and the 11th-largest in the world, was pillaged by the King of Belgium for his own personal gain.

Today Congo Kinshasa, with a population of approximately 112 million, is ranked in 179th out of 191 territories and countries in 2021 by the HDI (Human Development Index) measured by the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) and the World Bank which is based upon the life expectancy, literacy, access to knowledge and living standards of a country. This makes it one of the worst countries in the world to live.

Millions have died in its wars, often fuelled by neighbouring states, leaving 15% of all children in the country as orphans. That's five million children, the population of an entire nation such as Scotland. Many areas of Congo Kinshasa are dangerous to work in and only organisations such as the Red Cross have volunteer work opportunities in such regions, however elsewhere there are a number of volunteer work projects working in education, supporting orphaned and abandoned children and improving access and knowledge about health care.

Please note that many volunteer opportunities in Congo Kinshasa were disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic which led to the permanent closure of some volunteer opportunities and restrictions on others. Hopefully things are now beginning to return to normal. If you run or know of a volunteer work project in Congo Kinshasa (DRC) let us know by contacting u here. We look forward to hearing from you!

Volunteer Work Congo Kinshasa

Volunteer Work DRC

Volunteer Work DRC

Volunteer Work DRC

Volunteer Work DRC


Hands at Work

Volunteer Work Democratic Republic of Congo: Hands at Work

Church based volunteer work reaching out to the dying, orphans and widows in DRC.
Visit >


Hand Up Congo

Volunteer Work Congo: Hand Up Congo

Working with Congolese communities to improve education, health and wellbeing.
Visit >


Children's Lives

Children in the Democratic Republic of Congo

About daily life for children in the DRC in facts, information, pictures and video.
More >


Volunteer Work Congo Kinshasa

Volunteer Work Congo Kinshasa

If you are considering volunteer work in Congo Kinshasa (DRC) check out our profile pages to explore the country before you visit and learn how to make the most of your volunteer work there.

Congo Kinshasa Profile  

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