Volunteer Work Cape Verde

Cape Verde, which is comprised of ten islands, isn't an obvious location for volunteer work projects not least because, unlike other African nations, only a very small percentage (7%) could be classified as poor and school attendance, especially at primary level, is pretty much universal.

Despite this, there are some volunteer work placements available mainly in the area of conservation and education regarding de-forestation.

Cape Verde has few natural resources so what it does have needs to be preserved and new resources are required to protect the islanders from the droughts that regularly affect the area.

In the last few decades alone, 200,000 have died during these droughts which have affected food and water supplies. Many more islanders have had to migrate to secure these necessities leading to more from Cape Verde now living abroad than on the islands themselves. In the last few years many more have moved away from the increasingly over burdened capital of Praia to rural areas where there is a lack of basic amenities such as sanitation. Volunteer opportunities mainly comprise conservation work, helping to extract underground water supplies and in infrastructure building.

Please note that many volunteer opportunities in Cape Verde were disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic which led to the permanent closure of some volunteer opportunities and restrictions on others. Hopefully things are now beginning to return to normal. If you run or know of a volunteer work project in Cape Verde let us know by contacting us here. We look forward to hearing from you!

Volunteer Work Cape Verde

Volunteer Cape Verde

Volunteer Cape Verde

Volunteer Cape Verde

Volunteer Cape Verde



Volunteer Work Cape Verde: Project BioDiversity

Protecting unique wildlife through community-driven environmental protection programs in Cape Verde.
Visit >



Volunteer Work Cape Verde: Caritas

Volunteer work from the Mindelo street children project to protection of the environment on the islands.
Visit >


Volunteer Work Cape Verde

Volunteer Work Cape Verde

If you are considering undertaking a period of volunteer work in Cape Verde check out our profile pages to explore the country before you visit and learn how to make the most of your volunteer work in Cape Verde.

Cape Verde Profile  

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