Child Sponsor Malawi

Malawi children ive in a country often afflicted by severe famines caused by droughts with eight serious episodes in the last 36 years affecting millions leaving them without proper food supplies. Only a third of children in Malawi have access to safe water making childhood disease common and HIV is still rampant despite efforts by the democratic government to address the issue, with nearly one third of all mothers in Malawi passing the virus onto their children.

In fact, one out of every ten children in Malawi is an AIDS orphan. Many children spurn education in a desperate attempt to bring food to the table however child sponsor programmes are beginning to turn this around by attracting children into the classroom in exchange for at least one square meal a day.

Other child sponsor programs in Malawi address child labour in a country where just under one in three works; care of orphans and abandoned children; access to health, education and HIV awareness; establishing programs to minimise the impact of disasters and addressing food insecurity. You can help when you sponsor a child.

Child Sponsor Malawi
Child Sponsor Malawi

Child Sponsor Malawi

Child Sponsor Malawi

Child Sponsor Malawi

Child Sponsor Malawi


Children's Villages

Child Sponsor Malawi: SOS Children's Villages

With SOS Children, you can help orphaned and abandoned children by sponsoring a child.
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Street Children

Malawi Street Children

Facts, information and video about Malawi street children with details of support projects and programs.
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Child Sponsor Malawi

Child Sponsor Malawi

Become a sponsor for a child in Malawi by checking out these child sponsor programs and help Malawi children in need of sponsorship today.


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