Child Sponsor Chad

Chad is a former French colony in Central Africa that gained its independence in 1960. The country has been marred by decades of civil war as well as invasions until some semblance of peace was finally achieved in 1990, although there have continued to be rebel insurrections to the present day. This conflict has left the economy and infrastructure in tatters, its ranked the world's most corrupt country, and this already impoverished country also hosts thousands of refugees from the Central African Republic and Darfur region of Sudan. Most of the people of Chad, who number some eleven million, live in abject poverty with Chad in 189th place out of 191 countries and territories in 2021 as ranked by the HDI (Human Development Index) measured by the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) and the World Bank.

This is based upon the life expectancy, literacy, access to knowledge and living standards of a country. Poverty affects 55% of the population with most of this poverty concentrated in rural areas, where 87% of the country's poor live. Life is tough for a child in Chad. Most have grown up knowing violence and social instability, four out of five can't read (rising to nearly 90% for girls), those who go to school share their teacher with seventy other pupils, most don't have access to safe water and for the vast majority electricity is unknown (only an estimated 1-1.5% of the country's population has access to electricity). Life expectancy for a child in Chad is just 52.52 years (2021) and one in five children do not live to see their fifth birthday.

Unlike many other countries in Africa, there are few organisations working with young people in the Chad, not least because aid programs are regularly suspended with kidnap and death threats to aid workers by bandits who operate in the country. Child sponsor programs in Chad focus on increasing food security and basic access to education; improving health and water access, developing maternity services for women where one in every fourteen women die in childbirth and working with orphaned and abandoned children. You can help when you sponsor a child in Chad.

Child Sponsor Chad
Child Sponsor Chad

Child Sponsor Chad

Child Sponsor Chad

Child Sponsor Chad

Child Sponsor CAR


SOS Children

Child Sponsor Chad: SOS Children's Villages

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Child Sponsor Chad

Child Sponsor Chad

Become a sponsor for a child in Chad by checking out these child sponsor programs and help Chad children in need of sponsorship today.


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