Chad History |
Chad History |
Chad History | Chad History |
all about the African nation of the Republic of Chad in a series of pictures, videos
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Modern day Chad was then absorbed as a colony within French Equatorial Africa. In truth, France governed the south of the country, but history records its rule was nominal in the Muslim north. At the end of the Second World War Chad, like many French ruled colonies, became an 'overseas territory' and was granted its own parliament and representation within the French National Assembly.
President Francois Tombalbaye (right) followed in the history of so many other newly elected or appointed leaders of the emerging independent African nations and banned opposition parties and established one party rule. This ban triggered violent opposition in the nominally governed and mainly Muslim population in the north of Chad and there followed three decades of civil war including invasions from Libya before some semblance of peace was established in 1990 although there have continued to be rebel insurrections to the present day and violence and instability still flare periodically. Today Chad is a country where even aid agencies fear to work, with aid workers subject to being taken hostage by bandits, and regular suspension of aid work programs occur due to the severe danger to staff there. The video above explores Chad history further. |