Volunteer Work Burundi

Some countries are described as where "east meets west"; in similar terms Burundi could be described as "doesn't really meet anyone". Tucked away in central Africa, this small country of 12.55 million (2021) is one of the poorest in the world and has yet to embrace that wider world. Following years of warfare, this impoverished nation is now dependent on foreign aid with over half of all children suffering from stunted growth due to poor diet and secondary school education rates are as low as 8%. One in five children under the age of 14yrs old is an orphan and a UNICEF report stated that "Burundi's children continue to be threatened by rape, child prostitution, child labour, recruitment into militias, internal displacement, kidnapping and landmines."

Burundi is ranked in 187th place out of 191 countries and territories in 2021 in terms of life expectancy, literacy, access to knowledge and the living standards of a country and in the 2018 World Happiness Report, Burundi was ranked as the world’s least happy country. Despite of all this, there is a limited volunteer work sector in Burundi as most don'twant to know, eeking out a substsitence living farming the land. It simply hasn't been engaged in any meaningful way and those who do visit are often viewed disdainfully and certainly suspiciously. That being said you can contribute to sustainable development and support the country’s efforts to overcome poverty and build a brighter future whilst taking in the country's rich cultural heritage reflected in its music, dance, cuisine, and traditional arts and crafts.

Please note that many volunteer opportunities in Burundi were disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic which led to the permanent closure of some volunteer opportunities and restrictions on others. Hopefully things are now beginning to return to normal. If you run or know of a volunteer work project in Burundi let us know by contacting us here. We look forward to hearing from you!

Volunteer Work Burundi

Volunteer Work Burundi

Volunteer Work Burundi

Volunteer Work Burundi

Volunteer Work Burundi


Youth for Christ

Burundi Youth for Christ

Burundi Youth for Christ run a number of different projects including an orphanage and school.
Visit >


New Generation

Volunteer Work Burundi: New Generation

Bespoke volunteer work in Burundi with street children at a stabilisation centre in Bujumbura.
Visit >


Volunteer Work Burundi

Volunteer Work Burundi

If you are considering undertaking a period of voluntary work in Burundi check out our Burundi profile pages to explore the country before you visit and learn how to make the most of your volunteer work.


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