Until that oil revenue starts flowing, Sao Tome and Principe relies for cocoa for 95% of its exports and uses that income to buy in food given that it cannot grow enough of its own food to support its population. In recent years its cocoa output has dropped due to droughts and mismanagement. Sao Tome and Principe is in 141st place out of 191 countries and territories in 2021 when ranked in terms of life expectancy, literacy, access to knowledge and the living standards of a country. Life expectancy is 67.59 years (2021) with an estimated one-third of islands' inhabitants living on less than US$ 1.9 per day with, overall, more than two-thirds in poverty based on the accepted internmational poverty line of US$3.20 per day. Part of this poverty is down to the fact that many are engaged as as plantation workers reliant on the market economy to pay them without the opportunity to grow their own crops as they possess no land to do so. Today Sao Tome and Principe is ranked in 11th place out of 54 African countries measured by the Ibrahim Index of African Governance and is considered a free country, with high freedom of speech, high political freedom and average economic freedom.
Sao Tome Profile

A complete profile of Sao Tome, capital city of the islands of Sao Tome and Principe including Sao Tome information, facts, pictures and tourist attractions. More > |