Niamey Profile

Present day Niamey began life as an agricultural village habitated by the Maouri, Zarma (Zerma, Djerma), and Fulani people. Today's Niamey was founded in the 18th Century, however by 1900 it had a population of just some six hundred people and even when it became Niger's capital in 1926 it still only had a population of just 3000, rising to around 1,384,000 today (2022) and is mainly home to Yoruba and Hausa traders, merchants, officials, and craftsmen from Nigeria, Benin, and Togo as well as from other parts of Niger. The rapid increase followed severe droughts throughout the twentieth century when villagers made their way to Niamey in search of food, water and employment, however most were deported back to their villages under the regime of General Seyni Kountche. Niamey straddles the River Niger, although is mostly located on its left bank, however the the city expanded onto the right bank following the construction of the Kennedy Bridge across the Niger in 1970. Its industries include cement manufacture, ceramic goods, weaving and peanut farming.

Visitors to Niamey should take time to visit the Grand Mosque that was built in the 1970s and from where, after you've climbed its minaret's gruelling 171 steps, you can get amazing views of the city. Also take time to visit the National Museum (Musee National Boubou Hama), one of the best museums in Africa, which has a number of exhibitions housed inside Hausa-style pavilions from where you can explore all about traditional dress, the homes and tools of Niger's diverse ethnic groups, the history of the Sahara, and the country's customs and traditions. There you can also see the remains of the 'Tenere Tree', once considered the most isolated tree on Earth as it was the only one for ninty-three miles and used as a landmark on the old caravan routes through the Sahara Desert in north-east Niger. We say remains because this tree, so steeped in mythology and folklore that it was the only tree to be shown on a map at a scale of 1:4,000,000, was accidentally knocked down in 1973 by a truck driver. As you do. A trip on the Niger in a pirogue is also available if you're keen to see hippos close up.

The video above portrays positive images of Niamey however, under the gloss the city, just as Niger itself, is facing critical conditions through food and water shortages. Vistors to Naimey should be aware that levels of crime are high with frequent robberies and thefts. After you've watched the video, make a virtual landing at Diori Hamani International Airport below then explore Niamey using our interactive map, also linked to below.


Niamey City Profile

Niamey Profile

Niamey Profile

Niamey Profile

Niamey Profile


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Niamey Profile

Niamey Profile

A complete profile of Niamey, capital city of Niger including Niamey information, facts, pictures and tourist attractions.


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